Five No-Fail Ideas For Your Wedding Anniversary (Updated for 2025)

Five No-Fail Ideas For Your Wedding Anniversary
Your wedding was a special day, celebrated with those dearest to you. It was a commitment for a lifetime together and a declaration of your love. That is why you want to remember and celebrate that day on your anniversary in unique and fun ways.
To ensure each other that the commitment is still there, that the promises made will be kept, and that the love is still strong. Couples who don’t reaffirm those vows frequently end up taking each other for granted.
Perhaps you want to celebrate with others, or you might want the day to be just about the two of you and the life and love you’ve built together. If you have children, it would be a nice idea to arrange for them to spend the day with grandparents or other trusted people.
Your wedding anniversary is a milestone to remind you why you got married in the first place. Even the best of relationships can face problems, and an anniversary can rekindle the fire and to connect to feelings that may get lost in the mundane aspect of living, going to work, paying the bills, bad moods, and dealing with extended family. Take the time to look back and see how you’ve grown as a couple. Look ahead to see what more is in store for you.
You can plan a special mini-vacation and whisk off to some enchanted island. That would surely be fun, but it lacks a certain amount of imagination. It’s someone else doing all the heavy lifting.
"Make it a day filled with constant surprises"
Instead, you can stay at home and fill an ordinary day with magic. Look back on your marriage, see where you are presently, and make plans for an even greater future. Turn off the phone and ignore social media. This is your day, and you are perfectly at liberty to keep the outside world out. Make it a day filled with constant surprises.
Perhaps the best way to celebrate your anniversary is to concentrate on the two most important things surrounding your wedding day: food and sex and plenty of both. It will take a bit of preparation, but it will be worth it. For something really special, you can choose a few of the suggestions below, or make it a day in heaven and do all of them. Like your wedding day, it will be a day to remember.
- Both of you should plan to take a vacation day from work in order to be able to spend the entire day together. Just tell the boss you need a personal day. Start getting ready for your wedding anniversary the night before. Chill the champagne for some breakfast mimosas. Prepare the pancake batter for champagne and breakfast in bed. As a matter of fact, you’ll be spending a good part of the day in bed. In between food, coffee, and champagne, you can recover from this difficult ordeal with sensuous massages. Have some massage oils and soothing music ready for the occasion.
If you must turn on the television (and we advise against it), opt for some favorite comedies that will make you laugh. Is there anything better than shared laughter? Anything more X-rated is optional. Look over your wedding album and wedding videos and remember what made your wedding day so special. Nothing wrong with becoming sentimental.
- No need to cook on your anniversary. After working off the breakfast calories (your preferred mode of exercise is entirely up to you), have your favorite lunch delivered. This can be anything from the meal you had on your first date (pizza) or a gourmet Uber delivery. It’s fine to continue dining in bed by candlelight. While you’re spending the day in bed, however, do don a robe when answering the delivery person.
- Use your anniversary to have some real conversation. Ordinary days are filled with talk about finances, work, chores, and what to do for the weekend. Make this an extraordinary day, instead. Over champagne (yes, keep the bubbly flowing), talk about how your relationship has deepened over the past year. Share what you love most about each other. Talk about your dreams for the future. Reveal your sexual wants and fantasies.
"Get to know each other all over again"
This is also a good time to talk about and resolve any disagreements. Real talk tends to get lost in everyday living, so take advantage of the moment and put the spotlight on the two of you. Get to know each other all over again.
Take an occasional break with a bath-for-two. Fill the bathroom with candlelight and indulge in some scented bath oils. Fill the tub with rose petals and enjoy some chocolate treats and wine while having a relaxing soak. Don’t forget to have some music playing in the background.
- Presents are a given on any anniversary, but do this in a special way. Instead of handing your beloved a bouquet of flowers or wrapped present, have them delivered throughout the day. Arrange for a local florist to deliver flowers. Have a department store deliver one or two packages. Confirm the deliveries the day before to avoid any disappointments.
Keep that UPS person busy and your spouse surprised with each ringing of the doorbell. The choice of presents is, of course, up to you. But some exotic and sexy lingerie that your spouse can model (and you can remove) would surely not go unappreciated.
- Okay, you probably can’t spend the entire day in bed, so it’s time to get up and have some fun. Most days are work, so take this opportunity to play a little, which in itself is a rarity among married couples.
Have a scavenger hunt in your home or your neighborhood. The perfect scavenger hunt will begin in your home and end up at your favorite restaurant for a celebratory meal.
Leave clues around the house for your spouse to find. The clues can lead to special love letters, lingerie, a favorite book, an outfit to wear for the evening’s festivities at your favorite restaurant. Whenever your spouse finds a clue, it’s time for a kiss or something else that is special. Make sure the clues are fun and challenging and send your spouse all over the house and perhaps even outside.
The final clue should involve instructions to wear the new outfit and directions to a restaurant. (If there is no new outfit, simply specify something appropriate that’s already in her closet.) The restaurant should “coincidentally” be located in a nice hotel. Whether this will be an intimate dinner for two or with friends and family is up to you. If there are guests, they should have instructions to depart at a certain time, just before the waiter presents her with a room key.
Most hotels will be happy to cooperate in decorating a room to your specifications and make sure champagne and perhaps a cheese tray are ready and waiting. Appropriate nightwear and lingerie should be laid out. How you spend the hours until morning is up to you. But we suspect they won’t be boring.
Make sure the hotel delivers a spa package in the morning for some further indulgence. This should really include a couple’s massage.
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Don’t underestimate the importance of properly celebrating anniversaries. If you don’t celebrate your marriage, who will?